“New Year’s Resolution is a tradition in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning from New Year’s Day.”
Stay connected to friends and family! Countless weeks out of the year are spent on the road, and it becomes easy to disconnect from friends and loved ones. Create a goal to call at least one person each day while you are on the road. The internet is one of the easiest ways to socialize and interact; Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Skype, and other social media channels are great places to start. This will not only strengthen relationships but will also reduce loneliness.
- Live a healthy lifestyle on the road!
- Control your weight. Not only will you be living a healthier lifestyle but you will have a better physique, which improves your self-confidence.
- Improves your mood. The American Council on Exercise reports that the short-term benefits of exercise include decreased stress and ability to think better.
- Health benefits. Controls diabetes metabolic syndrome, diabetes, depression, certain types of cancer, and arthritis.
- Boosts your energy levels. When you eat a balanced diet including whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, and fruits and vegetables, your body has the fuel that it needs to manage your energy level.
- Improves longevity. Across the world, studies have shown that the life expectancy of an individual increases as interest in diet, health and lifestyle increases.
- Physical activity! Incorporate 20-30 minutes of physical activity a day to get your heart moving and blood flowing!
- Save on fuel! In 2016, make an effort to save fuel by using these tips:
- Always check your tires.
- PCG fuel card
- Keep a 30-inch gap between the truck and the trailer.
- Keep your truck at tip-top shape!
- Kick a bad habit! Identify and assess any unhealthy habits you already have, find the root of problem, and nip it in the bud!
- Keep a positive attitude! A positive attitude awakens happiness. When you adopt a positive frame of mind you become happy. Happiness does not depend on external causes, it comes from inside you. Always remember to feed the right wolf:
“A boy and his grandfather are sitting together. The boy says to his grandfather, “How is it you never seem to get upset? Don’t you ever feel angry?”
His grandfather replies, “I sometimes feel there are two wolves inside me, each of whom fights to tell me what to do. Whenever something angers me, one of the wolves is full of fire, and wants to attack and act nasty. The other is calmer, thinks clearly, and makes better choices. But they’re both always there.”
And the boy asks, “But if they are always fighting, how do you know which wolf is going to win?”
The grandfather answers, “The wolf who wins is the one I choose to feed.”
Our PCG New Year’s Resolution
Phoenix Capital Group has made a 2016 New Year’s resolution, this year we want to contribute more to our community by participating in charity runs and by volunteering. We will be updating our website and social media throughout the year on events, volunteer work, and marathon runs that we participate in!
To start the New Year off right, PCG employees are running in the Stride 4 Spines 5K in January. This run benefits the Barrow Neurological Institute.
We encourage you to volunteer your time, energy and finances to benefit your own community this year!
“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”
― John Holmes