Driving-related dangers come in many forms and happen frequently during various hours of the day. Education is key to understanding the risks and keeping people safe. Keep these facts in mind to stay safe while trucking across America!

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has collected data from every state for the past twenty years to provide truckers with the most accurate information.

The safest driving states in the country are:

  1. Massachusetts
  2. Washington, D.C.
  3. New York
  4. Rhode Island
  5. New Jersey

The safest driving states in the country are:

  1. Mississippi
  2. Wyoming
  3. Montana
  4. Alabama
  5. West Virginia

High traffic deaths rate caused by DUI’s:

  1. North Dakota – 44%
  2. South Carolina – 44%
  3. Texas – 42%
  4. Kansas – 39%
  5. Montana – 39%

How likely are you going to die in a car accident in the worst/best states?

  1. Massachusetts
    1. Probability of dying in a car crash: 1 in 20
    2. Probability of being involved in a fatal car crash: 1 in 11

2. Washington, D.C.

  1. Probability of dying in a car crash: 1 in 15
  2. Probability of being involved in a fatal car crash: 1 in 8

3. New York

  1. Probability of dying in a car crash: 1 in 16
  2. Probability of being involved in a fatal car crash: 1 in 8

4. Rhode Island

  1. Probability of dying in a car crash: 1 in 16
  2. Probability of being involved in a fatal car crash: 1 in 9

5. New Jersey

  1. Probability of dying in a car crash: 1 in 16
  2. Probability of being involved in a fatal car crash: 1 in 7

When is the safest times to drive?

Safest month to drive: January is the best month for car accidents with 8% fewer accidents than the average month.

  • Worst month to drive: May is the worst month for car accidents – with 12% more accidents than the average month.

Safest day of the week to drive: Sunday was the quietest day, with 27% fewer collisions than the average day.

  • Worst day of the week to drive: The number of collisions grew through the working week, peaking on Friday, with 16% more collisions than the average day.

When is the most dangerous times of the day to drive?

  1. Morning rush: 9.1% of weekday collisions occur in the morning rush between 8am and 9am; that’s more than double the hourly average.
  2. Evening rush: During the week, collisions peak at 4pm, with 9.3% of the total for the day. The hours of 2pm to 6pm experience 40% of the day’s collisions.
  3. Weekend lunch: Noon is the worst hour on the weekend, with just over 10% of collisions. The percentage of collisions then drops from 1pm, with a second, smaller peak at 3pm.
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